Feed back from a regular client

177 posts. Member since Mar 2022
22nd Mar '24 - 15:49PM
Hello , everyone. I am very grateful to the escorts that exist and the services they provide despite the risks involved. It very much enriches my life so thank you.

I try to be the best client I can be by committing to appointments, washing fastidiously and learning a little bit of the Escorts language when applicable.

I just thought I would put a few things about the things I appreciate that I hope can give you all that competitive edge.

1) While I didn't expect that house-number last thing, I do understand it: you want us to be ready when you're ready but not have us arrive before. Technology makes tracking down a street a lot easier but please be mindful about how a description like "big white house with two blue doors" can be the difference between us showing and giving up in frustration. For all we know, X Terrace is down a side street and we might walk right past the turn toward your building thinking it's just a private residence or something (I've done it). I know I'm idiot. You have to assume that with your clients. On another occasion I found the street no problem and I knew I wanted No X and I found (X-1) but the houses weren't in an intuitive order. X was not next door or across the street or close. This is the kind of thing worth researching and mentioning.

2) Speaking of lateness, if you are unable to be ready at the agreed time, that's fine. Just communicate. My policy now is that if I do not get any house/room number then I will wait another 5 minutes and then just leave. I will not text to remind you since if you're so unfastidious to not communicate before this time without prompting, I don't think I want to see you.

3) A 5 minute warning before we're done is always appreciated.

4) This might just be a me thing but I prefer to see escorts who did not show everything in their photos. Lingerie or figure hugging clothes can show off a good figure. Show cleavage but no nipples, buttocks but no gluteal cleft.

5) Do not say things like "I am always clean and respectful and expect the same from you". This is very negative. Consider: "I ADORE clean and respectful clients!"

6) This is a small thing but I find it bemusing how escorts just have me undress alone on their bed as if this were medical thing or a massage. The mutual removing of clothes is a big part of the intimacy and the experience.

7) Stop telling me to jack myself off! If I wanted JOI I would have asked. It is niche. I know I can just refuse but it's still annoying.

8)There are certain things that, if you are unwilling to do them (without extra payment) they need to be enumerated on your profile and they include:
-Having your nipples sucked on
-Having your body kissed.
-Oral on you.

9) Stop being obsessed with my climax. It's the journey not the destination. And if I don't look hard enough to you then AROUSE ME. A £100 an hour escort just needs to show up and consent but a £150 an hour escort is more than a body; they are a host and a companion. Getting hard is not something I've ever had trouble with except with escorts that give every impression that they would rather be anywhere else. It's depressing. I'm no Tom Daly, I know, but you're still the professional.

10) And finally, there is no good context to really put this but I really want to write somewhere that I want to ask an escort for a buttjob but I am scared that the language barrier will make her think that buttjob means anal which it doesn't.

I don't mean to suggest you owe your client the moon. I'm just communicating.

Stay safe,

Arctic Flower

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