
Frequently asked questions

How do I verify my listing?
Add a blue tick to your profile to show other users that you're genuine. Please see the verification page for information on how to verify your listing.
How do I make a booking?
Bookings can be arranged between yourself and service providers directly using the contact details on their listing or using the instant message functionality to send a message through the website. You can also create a reverse booking where you specify exactly what you're looking for and your requirements will be sent to all service providers in your area.
How do I become an escort?
Please note that we are not an agency. If you would like help and advice on becoming an escort, please read through our articles and ask other members in the forum for advice on protecting yourself and staying safe.
I haven't received a verification email
If you haven't received your verification email within 15 minutes, please check your spam or junk folder within your email software. If you still can't find your verification email, please send us a message.
How do I join your agency?
Please note that we are not an agency. We do not employ service providers or agencies - we are a directory service and provide details of escorts only. If you'd like to become an escort, please read through our articles and ask other members in the forum for advice on protecting yourself and staying safe.
How do I delete my account?
You can delete your account at the very bottom of the settings page. Please note, you need to be logged in to your account in order to delete it. You will find the delete account link underneath the settings form itself.
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